There are lots of awesome places around El Paso and all over Texas to camp. Here's a simple little thing that can make your campsite much more comfy.

Texas is loaded with camping areas located in all kinds of different natural settings. From the desert and the mountains, to heavily wooded areas, to campgrounds near lakes, rivers and even on the beach; the lone star state has it all.

One simple, inexpensive little piece of equipment can eliminate a major pain in the butt for you and your co-campers.

No matter what kind of setting you want, Texas has it somewhere. Even the El Paso area has many different options. If you want to be in the desert, Hueco Tanks is a great spot.

If you want a lake sans woods, Elephant Butte is nearby. If you want a lake with woods or just the woods; Ruidoso, Cloudcroft and Silver City have loads of options.

What Device Is Helpful For Camping?

No matter where you camp, unless it's a super cold environment, the bugs are going to irritate the crap out of you. There's no getting away from them but there's one thing you can add to your camping gear that will make them want to get away from you.

Nope, not bug spray, citronella plants or any of the usual stuff. Those are helpful but, when it's dark, here's something else for your arsenal ... a red headlamp. Bugs can't see red so they go elsewhere. True story.

Red light also helps you preserve your night vision and it uses less energy which helps  prolong battery life.

You're welcome.

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