Since I have been married two times, you would think that I have a lot of wisdom to hand out when it comes to relationships. But, no, I do not. Marriage is so complex and intimate that it seems like a never ending puzzle of emotion that I, and most people, are trying to figure out.

Just when you feel like you are got this, you wonder if you really do at all. It's an amazing adventure that you share with your best friend, but I haven't been able to get past 16 years before the wild ride ended and I wanted to get off, permanently. LOL

Not sure anyone would want advice from me, but I sure would like some from some experts.

What kind of advice would couples with 25+ years of marriage give? asked married couple to share their best relationship advice. Here is what some had to say.

Make sure you still pursue interests and hobbies that make you happy. Do not expect your partner to always make you happy. As we mature and evolve, so do our needs and wants. Be willing to grow and adapt with your partner. Every couple argues, but when you do, make sure you stay focused on the issue at hand. Lastly, always make time for each other with date nights. <i>—Tracey and Charles Williams, Philadelphia, Penn., Married 26 years</i>

The things that make a marriage strong are respect for each other, and holding similar core values. Also, being able to pursue interests that you can do together and other things you do individually. <i>—Debra and David Stern, West Palm Beach, Florida, Married 41 years</i>One of the best things my father told us was to have two TVs. We still say that it worked for us! <i>—Laura and George Turner, Pine Point, Maine, Married 47 Years </i>

How does the advise of long time married couples stack up to that of a sixth grader?

Well, an Indiana teacher wanted to find out. Miss Hurt, now Mrs.Thornton, asked her students to help her and what she got is priceless and surprisingly wise.

I asked my 6th graders for some words of wisdom regarding a long &amp; happy marriage. I was thoroughly impressed by their insightfulness. While some were more candid than others, my favorites are posted below.

Indiana 6th Grade Students Give Teacher Epic Marriage Advice For Her Wedding

Who knew 6th graders could be so wise.

Love these so much. Kids can really spell it out, can't they?

Congratulations Claire and Cody!!!

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