How You Can Help El Paso Filmmakers Release Docuseries on Walmart Shooting
August third will be a day all El Pasoans will remember. We all remember where we were when we first heard the news, we all remember what we were doing- and we all remember exactly what we felt in that moment.
It wasn't an easy day for El Paso, and it was extremely trying for the workers at the Walmart at Cielo Vista. We all might have heard interviews, or read about them, but now, two El Paso filmmakers want to bring you the real stories of the first responders there- the Walmart associates.
Co-directors David Corral and Christina Pietrowski have teamed up together to bring to light a docu-series that focuses on the Walmart associates; who they are and what they did to help. But they need a little help from you.
Over on Indiegogo, a crowdfunding website that allows people to solicit funds for an idea, charity, or start-up business, Corral and Pietrowski have shared a trailer of their docu-series on the Walmart shooting hoping that people will donate to help get the project off the ground. Check out the trailer for it below:
According to the summary:
This docuseries will tell intimate stories of survivors who were on the scene right as it happened. What every associate of that store has in common is a will to live, bravery, courage, hope and a strong love.
To Corral, this project is very personal as he was one of the associates at the very Walmart that the mass shooting happened in.
You can find out more about the project by clicking here, it is also where you can donate. Your donation will go towards promoting the docu-series, as well as paying the cast and crew. Their goal is $2,500.
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