How Cold Will It Get In El Paso on Thanksgiving Day 2022?
My belt is already unbuckled and my waistline ready for Turkey Day, so what’s Mother Nature cooking up for El Paso on Thanksgiving?
The weather this Thanksgiving Day appears to be an improvement over last year, which started off with scattered showers and remained cloudy and blustery for most of the afternoon.
How Cold Will Thanksgiving Be?
For now, Thanksgiving Day doesn't look bad at all. A sunny but chilly day is what I’m hearing.
That being said, chilly doesn’t mean having to wear a puffy jacket – unless you plan to get up really early to hold a spot along the Sun Bowl Parade route.
According to the National Weather Service El Paso, all signs currently point to a breezy, cool Thanksgiving with a good amount of sunshine. The high on Thursday is expected to be in the upper 50s, near 60.
Sounds like perfect Sun Bowl parade-attending weather. But if you plan to get up super-early to stake out a spot along Montana Avenue you might need a heavy jacket as temps are expected to be in the mid to upper 30s in the overnight and early morning hours.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope the endless hours spent watching cooking videos on Tik Tok has fully prepared you to sit around watching others cook the turkey, sides, and tamales you’ll be gorging on.
Please let me know if there's anything I can help with from the sofa I will be napping in.