Historic South El Paso Sacred Heart Church To Be Restored – Here’s How You Can Help
Sacred Heart Church, in the heart of the Segundo Barrio in downtown El Paso, a historic gem that is going to get some much needed restoration and upgrades soon. The Segundo Barrio and Chihuahuita neighborhoods' historical significance was recognized when they were added to the the National Trust for Historic Preservation list of the "11 Most Endangered Historic Places" in the United States over four years ago.
At the time, the El Paso County Historical Commission said the designation “will draw national attention to the unique history and culture of Segundo Barrio and Chihuahuita while calling attention to their plight." One of my favorite sites in Segundo is Sacred Heart Church. If you've never been there, you should go see this beautiful church in person, and see why the Segundo Barrio and Chihuahuita need to be saved.
Sacred Heart is not just one building but a group of buildings that are between 91 and 127 years old. They are in need of repair but the neighborhood around the beautiful church is not able to handle the financial reality of that kind of renovation. There is a volunteer group that will be working to get grants and tax credits as well as trying to get funds from the community for the restoration.
The group behind restoration says that Sacred Heart Church "will be the first project of its type in the Segundo Barrio National Historic District, which will be established in 2021 thanks to El Paso County, the Texas Historical Commission, and the National Park Service."
If you can help out with any amount of money, you can donate by clicking here. As you can see from the gallery below, it is a gorgeous structure and with the proper care it could stand for another hundred years.