Hey Boo – You Want A Job At Spirit Halloween Store?
Halloween fans were super pumped about Halloween this year because it falls on a Saturday. Parties, trick or treating, not having to worry about school the next morning, having a whole day to recover from partying - man, it was going to be great. And then the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Sadly, it doesn't look like things will be back to normal until sometime next year, but if you are a Halloween fan and you need a job, Spirit Halloween stores need you. The stores are hiring for Halloween even though it probably won't be what everyone was hoping for.
If you want to apply for a job, you can click on this link for all the details.
Spirit Halloween stores is looking for sales associates and store managers. You'll be setting up merchandise, as well as doing pack-up and and tear downs of the store when the Halloween season ends. You can apply for a sales associate job if you are 16 years old and over. You will have to be at least 21 years old and over if you want to apply for the store manager position. Remember, this is a seasonal store so the employment window is going to be limited.
Both employees and customers will have to follow these guidelines when they are working or shopping at Spirit Halloween stores. From their website:
There will be capacity limits
In-depth associate training on hand hygiene and disinfectant protocols
Single-use disposable microfiber wipes to diminish the risk of cross-contamination
Hospital-grade Defender disinfectant, known to kill coronavirus in one-minute
Halloween might not be the same this year, but let's make it as fun and safe as we can. Check out this family's early look at what this year's Spirit Halloween set up will look like.
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