Help Make-A-Wish Grant Wishes For El Paso Kids Facing Life-Threatening Illnesses
Every 28 minutes, a child is referred to Make-A-Wish, and most of the time, people think that these kids have cancer. One child, 13-year-old Martin, has been battling spherocytosis since 2005. It's a condition that affects red blood cells and can cause his spleen to enlarge and force him to be in the hospital for several days. Even though Martin doesn't have cancer, he qualifies for a wish because Make-A-Wish's mission is granting wishes to kids with life-threatening medical conditions.
Martin loves to skateboard, and he was surprised with the news that he would receive his wish of having a shopping spree.
You might not think that getting a wish granted is that big of a deal, but 89 percent of doctors, nurses and health professionals polled say that they believe a wish can influence a wish kids’ physical health. Ninety-six percent of parents say that the wish experience strengthened their families.
You can be a part of this mission and show the kids and families who are fighting illnesses that they are not alone. A wish experience isn't just about a day at the mall or a week at an amusement park. It’s about bringing hope, strength and joy that can improve the quality of a child’s life, and making an impact so they can continue fighting.
The El Paso Make-A-Wish Regional Office grants around 80 wishes a year. The Hospitals of Providence-Children’s Hospital is helping raise money to continue granting those wishes by presenting the 2016 Walk for Wishes. They are hoping to raise $50,000 to grant more wishes for kids like Martin on Saturday, April 9. This 1-mile walk at the Fountains at Farah will have vendor boots, a Kids’ Zone and more!
To register and help impact child’s life visit walkforwisheselpaso.org.
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