Hatch Chile Festival Coming Up – Mark Your Calendar For Some of the Best Chile Dishes You Will Ever taste
The Hatch Chile Festival id held annually on Labor Day weekend in Hatch, NM. drawing visitors from all over the country. There are vendors selling all sorts of delicious chile inspired foods, interesting arts and crafts, a carnival, water park, horseshoe tournaments, a beer garden, super bull and of course lots of chile.
Hatch is famous for the chile it produces and with the Mesilla Valley being the chile capitol of the world, what better place to have a festival. The festival will be held for two days on September 5th and 6th and it is also very affordable to take the whole family. It is $10.00 per car load and that $10.00 is good for both days! Lots of fun and live entertainment for the whole family. Check out the schedule of events here.