Great Khalid Foundation Delivers Stuffed Backpacks to El Paso 6th Graders
The Great Khalid Foundation just delivered hundreds of backpacks to El Paso 6th graders after the principle submits a moving essay.
Earlier this week The Great Khalid Foundation was out early at SSG Manuel R. Puentes Middle School distributing backpacks filled with school supplies for its sixth-grade students.
For hours under the brutal heat Linda Wolfe, Khalid’s mother and CEO of The Great Khalid Foundation along with her team, sponsors, and school staff stood under a scorching sun to greet and hand delivery backpacks to every sixth-grader at Puentes Middle School.
Both kids and parents were grateful for the support and at times where even starstruck by meeting Khalid’s mom.
Amid these uncertain times, The Great Khalid Foundation felt a sense of urgency to carry out its Back To School Program and had local elementary schools submit an essay on behalf of their school and students. Principal Monica Castro submitted a beautiful essay about her school and her students and was selected by the foundation as the recipients of this year’s school supply drive.
The Great Khalid Foundation Backpack Giveaway: Puentes Middle School
While schools may not be opening soon, school supplies are needed as students are still attending classes virtually. The need for school supplies is ongoing as many families continue to struggle economically because of the novel coronavirus.
If you would like to donate to The Great Khalid Foundation’s 2020 Back To School Program Click HERE.
Donations are being accepted through August 30, 2020.
The Great Khalid Foundation is Khalid’s namesake non-profit organization founded to advance opportunities in music education and inspire students to thrive academically.
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