GoFundMe Donors’ Messages To El Paso
Read some of the messages that GoFundMe Donors have left for the people of El Paso.
A week ago yesterday on August 3rd a male entered the Walmart in the Cielo Vista area and killed 22 people, injuring 25 and devastating a community.
In the past week, the people of El Paso have come together in peace and love to help heal each other while across the country the outpouring of support has been nothing short of amazing.
The same day that the tragedy took place Townsquare Media of El Paso set up a GoFundMe page that will help aid the fundraising efforts of the El Paso Community Foundation. In the last week alone we have raised over $15,000 with people donating from all over the world and leaving messages of love and support.
If you would like to make a monetary donation CLICK HERE.
Read some of their messages below:
Carol Harris donated $30 - We are all one blood; we are all brothers and sisters.
LIVEWOOD SHOP donated $115 - Livewood shop Hat donations - Kevin Telles - $5 dollars, Rudy Zanudo $5 dollars, Jose Marquez $5, Ana Vazquez $5, Cody Barlett $5, Danny Ornelas $5, Marco Garcia $10, Steven Hernandez $5, Angel Paredes $5, Tyler Torrance $5, Rosa Morin $15, David Bastardo $5, Christian Gallegos $5, Leo Hernandez $5, 30$ Marco Ordaz
Jimmie Jenious donated $15 - I truly love my brothers and sisters. God will get us through this, He has not brought El Paso this far to leave them all alone.
Pavel Vorobets donated $25 - For the love of all, in the name of God.
Mike Stavitz donated $30 - To help if even just a little
Matin Mehdipour donated $100 - The people of color in this country cannot continue to be torn apart as they have been. They have a right to be protected from such hatred and violence. I pray for the lives lost and for those families who have been destroyed from this disaster.
Jennifer Barone donated $20 - I donated because every little bit helps support these victims and their families. Sending all my love to them.
Karl Frank donated $25 - This is a true US disaster. Families need assistance for this unexpected event.
Angie Walker donated $25 - My heart goes out to all the families of the victims. Prayers to my family and friends who remain in El Paso who has been shaken by this tragedy. #ElPasoStrong
Marisela Guerrero donated $40 - El Paso is my hometown and I am not physically there to help but wanted to contribute in some other way.
Carl Dennis donated $10 - I am an American citizen and it is right for us to help each other in times of need and tragedy. This is who we are and what it means to be an American!!!
LAURENCE LANG donated $100 - to help those affected by this senseless incident with unforeseen expenses
Nancy DePoe donated $20 - May you feel God's presence close to you in the days ahead...
Charlene Marshall donated $25 - I donated because I'm sorry for this awful tragedy.
Williams Family donated $50 - Our hearts ache for El Paso families, I wish we could do more
Michael Sellers donated $20 - Hispanic communities are one of America's greatest assets.
John McHugh donated $40 - I want to help the people of EL PASO Texas
Jonathan Carnes donated $20 - Prayers from San Antonio to all the victims' families and all those affected by this. Very sad to see senseless violence like this happening so close to home.
Mark Snyder donated $1,000 - This donation is from a local company whose employees care about the people of El Paso and Juarez. Employees are: Alfredo Franco Mark Snyder Ferny Jasso Pedro Rascon Gina Zachary Gabriel Rivas John Polasek John Patzkowski Joe Iozia Jose Tagle James Doyle Carlos Gonzales Angel Gonzales
Jessica Ochei donated $50 - This tragedy is terrible and an act of terrorism. I hope that this little donation can help the families affected in any way possible.
Frank HENDERSON donated $100 - When tragedy strike home you help! El Paso area was home at one time.
Karina Garcia donated $10 - I donated because my heart is with all the families affected and because the hate has to stop! Racism must end! #enoughisenough
Carly Golding donated $80 - My heart is breaking for the victims of this tragedy. I pray for healing, a peace that sustains and comfort that transcends all understanding. Love to all who have been impacted by this senseless tragedy.
Tom Carey donated $20 - We must support victims until our country learns the political will to systematically address gun violence.
Robin Noyes donated $200 - We are one! This is America! Time to Act ( Peaceful). Please Heal El Paso!
Collette Long donated $100 - My thoughts and prayers are with your community. I don't know how you heal from something like this, except to take one day at a time and to reach out to those who care. I wish I could be there in person to lend a hand. This country is made stronger because of its diversity and I am saddened and sickened that the U.S. has become a hotbed for domestic terrorism largely in part due to the hatred and rhetoric of Trump and the non-action of our country's lawmakers. I hold all of you close to my heart. May you all somehow find peace.
Nasreen Syed donated $100 - I feel so sad for all of the victims of this violence
THEODORE LIFE donated $50 - May my contribution help the healing
Christy Reed donated $100 - I'm so sorry for your community's loss. It's heartbreaking
David Fulton donated $10 - God bless the families of those affected by this horrendous crime. Know that your loved ones are watching over you from Heaven.
Michael Wangler donated $25 - I donated because I love El Paso and Texas and all the Good People there and I pray God eases the heartache and sorrow so many are feeling now. You are great Texans, Texicans, and Americans - God Bless You All!
Triston Pence donated $50 - My most sincere condolences to the families who lost loved ones during this horrific tragedy. El Paso is a wonderful city and we will be there for each other. #ElPasoStrong
Victoria Ortegon donated $200 - I love my City and all the beautiful people in it... We will get through this tragedy... #ElPasoStrong #ElPasoProud
Leonel Reyes donated $20 - These people are going to need help. Maybe both financially and mentally and I hope the money I donate goes towards helping the victims and they're families and especially towards helping to strengthen the mental health of these people. #elpasostrong
Victor Tovar donated $20 - This tragedy has touched my heart, I mourn for those who lost someone in this attack and for the community as a whole.
Anne Kroll donated $10 - My family and I are truly heartbroken for all the victims and their families on this senseless and horrific tragedy that occurred. All our love prayers and support. Love Anne and Gary Kroll Long Island, New York
Clarice Bogdan donated $20 - Not a single life should ever be taken by the hate and cruelty of someone else. It needs to stop.
Christian Swart donated $20 - My heart goes out to all the victims and families of this tragic event. Not even time can heal what has been lost, I hope your community will stay strong through it all. Much love from Wichita, KS.
Jay Torres donated $50 - My heart is with you El Paso.