Ghost Hunting Is Easy to Do In a City Full of Spooky Spots In EP
There are so many places you've heard haunted stories about around El Paso. The borderland has quite the history and the haunting spirits that linger around. Residents in El Paso have witnessed some crazy things happen that are unexplainable.
For example, there have been videos that are shared of weird and questionable things happening. Remember a couple of years ago Lisa Sanchez shared scary footage of an El Pasoan caught on camera. The video showed the light turning on and off at a hotel downtown.

Another hotel downtown is known for having some crazy stuff happen from time to time. People in El Paso have known about how haunted The De Soto Hotel truly is. Shoot, we're not the only ones that know, even outsiders outside of El Paso, Texas know. It's all thanks to Ghost Adventures for filming their ghost hunt at De Soto Hotel for all to see.
Viewers got to witness some insane footage that happened in the basement of the De Soto Hotel. Now to add to the list of spooky spots is at the cemetery in Santa Teresa. Vinny Viramontes had taken his niece to the cemetery to do some of their own ghost hunting there.
Well, his niece happened to get photobombed by what looks like a ghostly image. Well, if you've wanted to see some action yourself but are scared to do it alone, you can. There's a ghost tour coming up this weekend that may help you believe ghosts exist.
The Paso Del Norte Paranormal Society, Inc. will be hosting a ghost tour of Concordia Cemetery. The ghost tour will be Saturday, August 7 from 9 pm to 11 pm at 3700 Yandell Drive. If you would like more general information you can find it by clicking here. You can buy your tickets to the ghost hunt this Saturday evening by purchasing here.
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