Get Help With College Financial Aid Paperwork With Free FAFSA Event Today
If your child is heading to college and you need help filling out FAFSA paperwork, you need to listen up.
There is a free event happening tonight that will help walk you though the paperwork that could help you pay for college. FAFSA is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid paperwork that can be prepared each year by current and prospective college students to determine their eligibility for student financial aid.
Parents have said that the paperwork is difficult to fill out and a study showed that although 85 percent of four-year college students qualify for some type of financial aid, 20 percent of students who filled out FAFSA paperwork didn’t do it correctly.
If you need help filling out the forms, financial coaches will be at the WSB Financial Center at 1760 Airway Blvd to help you out. The event is free and will teach parents and students about how to properly apply for financial aid for college so they don’t miss any opportunities.
The event is from 5:30 this afternoon to 7:30 tonight.
WHAT: FAFSA Informational Event
WHEN: Wednesday, September 4, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
WHERE: 1760 Airway Blvd.