Frontline Responders Fund Set In Place For Much Needed Critical Medical Supplies
The Frontline Responders Fund has been established to get critical supplies to frontline responders combating the COVID-19 pandemic.
On Tuesday, March 24, the Frontline Responders Fund was created because there is an alarming shortage of critical medical supplies across the globe. Medical and health professionals are in dire need of gowns, masks, and gloves to help prevent them from contracting the highly contagious COVID-19 virus.
In the last two days, the fund has collected over $3 million dollars but hopes to raise up to $10 million dollars via
Companies from all over the world are helping to make masks and or in some other capacity to help get these medical supplies to our frontline health care workers. The cost of making these supplies is not the issue, it’s the transporting of these goods that are costly and time-consuming:
First manufacturers have to make the supplies, then trucks get the supplies to the airport or ocean ports where cargo planes and ships will bring supplies to the nearest hub and then more trucks pick up the supplies and deliver them to the hospitals.
How can you help?
If you want to help frontline responders you can make a contribution by CLICKING HERE
If you’re a business owner and you have the means to take action, you too can make a large tax-deductible donation to help the cause.
All donations will be used to cover the cost of transportation for organizations responding to the crisis.