FAKE NEWS: Press Release About Wet N Wild Having A Deadly Disease In Their Waters Is False
If you've been on social media this weekend, you've no doubt seen this press release about a 'deadly disease' in the waters of Wet N Wild Waterworld. The press release looks official, it's on the City's letterhead, it has all the names of City Council, and those of us in the media who have seen a million of these thought it looked like all the others that we see every day. Unfortunately, because of photoshop and the interwebs, pretty much anything can be mocked up to look authentic.
This is not an authentic press release. It is totally fake.
There is no other way to put that so that there is no mystery about the release.
People who do this kind of thing are morons and they think it's pretty hilarious to put stuff like this out and scare the hell out of people and make a business that has been around for decades look bad. The worst thing about this nonsense press release is that it gave the people who put it out what they wanted - a lot of talk on social media. The fool that put this thing out on social media is getting their jollies about everyone talking about this thing that probably took a couple of clicks to put together.
The City put out a statement about this stupid press release. From KTSM.com:
"The press release that attempts to appear as a message from the Department of Public Health is fake and is not an official message from the City of El Paso," Public Affairs Officer Ramon Herrera tells NewsChannel9. "There is no current health notice from the Department of Public Health on this type of topic."
No one knows who put this 'press release' out, but hopefully they feel better because we all jumped to react to it.