Extreme Task Force Asking For Blankets For Needy El Pasoans
There is nothing worse than being cold. My idea of hell isn't sitting around in my t-shirt and shorts trying to cool off, it's being cold and not being able to get warm. The City of El Paso and the Extreme Weather Task Force team up every year to gather blanket donations for people who are suffering from the cold.
Over the past couple of years the Extreme Weather Task Force has collected and distributed over 1,250 blankets to those in need, but right now they only have about 200 blankets to give away. Task Force officials say they are not only collecting and distributing free blankets, they are also reminding the public on how to keep themselves and others safe in the cold weather.
Experts say you should make sure to check on the elderly to make sure that not only are they heating their homes properly, but make sure they are also eating and drinking plenty of water. You can get dehydrated in the winter just like you can in the summer. Make sure your family and friends are using proper heaters to warm their homes and that they aren't using things like the oven, stove, or outdoor grill. Yes, people have used those and caused fires in the past.
If you want to donate a new blanket, you can drop them off at any local fire station or El Paso County Sheriff sub-station. You can also donate cash to the task force by mailing a check payable to the APS Silver Star Board, Attention - Grace Ortiz, Adult Protective Services, 401 E. Franklin, Suite 350, El Paso, TX, 79901.
If you need a blanket you can call 211 to find out how to get one.
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