EPISD Needs Your Help With A Return To School Survey For The Upcoming School Year
The coronavirus outbreak has changed everything we do, especially the way we educate our children. When spring break hit, the coronavirus outbreak was still something we were aware of but hadn't really realized what an earth shattering situation it would be. Now here we are two months into dealing with the fallout and not only are we are facing the restarting of the economy but also the question of how do we go about restarting school.
The El Paso Independent School District is trying to figure out how to navigate reopening schools while still being able to work with parents who might be fearful of their children returning to the classroom in the fall. District officials have released a survey on their website that they need parents to fill out so they can get feedback about how parents feel about the upcoming school year.
EPISD officials say no decisions have been made about reopening and "all the options presented in this survey could change." District officials also say they are working with local, state, and national leaders to follow every precaution needed to ensure the safety of the community.
The survey begins by asking if your child will be attending school at EPISD for the 2020-2021 school year. If you click no, the survey ends at that point. If you answer yes, you will be asked to select the grade level of school your child will be attending for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. If you have more than one child, you can answer for all of them. You are asked if your child is in elementary school and what type of learning environment you would prefer for your elementary school age child. You can choose from:
Face-to-Face Learning (Physically attend school)
Online Learning (Virtually attend school through EPISD@Home)
Combination Learning (Mix of face-to-face and online learning)
You are also asked if you have an elementary school aged child in the Special Education Program.
It's important that EPISD officials know about your child and other children who are in the district so they can put plans in place as soon as possible for the upcoming school year. You can click here for the survey.
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