EPISD Looking At Next Year’s Calendar – Will Decide By November
There is nothing more stressful than making and keeping a calendar. You know that because you have to keep your work calendar, family activities calendar, and of course, your kid's school calendar. Everything has to match up together and work in all the areas of your life. The El Paso Independent School District also has to make a calendar and they are working on their 2020 school district year calendar right now. They have to decide which holidays, staff days, and state holidays will be observed well in advance so that parents can make their plans around days their kids will have off.
They have two calendars that they are looking at and they will be studying those two possibilities over the next couple of weeks. The biggest thing is the first day of school. It will either be August 10 or 17 which is super early so get ready for it, parents.
These are the calendars, and the district trustees will be making a decision and are expected to announce which one will be put in place on November 19 during their regular board meeting:
Option A
First day for teachers: Aug. 6
First day for students: Aug. 17
Teacher exchange Day: Yes (Aug. 14)
Staff development days: Sept. 18, Oct. 12 and Jan. 5
Teacher workdays: Aug. 13, Jan. 4 and May 28
Winter break: Dec. 21 to Jan. 1
First day for students after winter break: Jan. 6
Option B
First day for teachers: Aug. 3
First day for students: Aug. 10
Teacher exchange Day: No.
Staff development days: Sept. 18, Oct. 13 and Jan. 6
Teacher workdays: Jan. 5 and May 28
Winter break: Dec. 21 to Jan. 4.
First day for students after winter break: Jan. 7
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