EPISD Answers Questions About Online Registration Problems
The first day of school for the El Paso Independent School District is August 21. Parents have been flooding the online registration system in the past week or so and are now complaining about system delays.
The online registration system has been up since May, but because the first day of school is right around the corner, EPISD says they have seen a big uptick in people logging on and that's what EPISD says is causing the delays. District officials say the problems have been addressed and corrected.
If you are still experiencing delays, EPISD says you should call the district.
A couple of things you can do to make the process easier:
1. Make sure you have your username or password ready.
2. The system is new, so you will have to create a new account. You can use your previous password and login, but you will be required to create that new account.
3. You can go to your child's school for help with registration if you don't have a computer or aren't comfortable with the online process.
For more information, you can check out the district's website.