El Paso’s Moth Invasion – Here’s What You Can Do About Them
Oh. My. Gawd. The moths are driving me crazy. Those little buggers are everywhere.
No, it's not some kind of biblical plague. El Paso's Miller moth invasion is simply the result of the mild winter. Moths tend to lay their eggs in the fall, and because it didn't get cold enough around here for a long enough period of time over the winter months, the result is the Moth Invasion of 2020. So what can I do about them, you ask?
Well, after extensive Googling and researching I'm sorry to report the answer is very little.
At best you can minimize their swarming and dive bombing when you walk outside by turning off all unnecessary lights in and around your house, or substitute regular light bulbs on your porch with a yellow bug light. Making sure doors and windows are closed properly will help keep them out of your house or car because experts say when daylight comes the moths look for cool, dark places to chill until nightfall -- and what better cool, dark place than your home, shed or car.
If some have already found their way into your home, entomologists at Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Service suggest suspending a light bulb over a partially filled bucket of water with some liquid detergent added. Moths attracted to the light will fall into the water and die.
When the bucket gets full, throw it out and repeat as necessary. You could also mix some dish soap in a large mixing bowl of water and set it under a sturdy lamp, or turn off all lights in the house except for one above your toilet. Put a drop or two of liquid soap in the bowl. In the morning, flush.
The good news is they're not harmful, they don't carry disease, they don't eat clothing and they'll eventually migrate. For now though all we can do is treat them like a friend or relatives who has overstayed their welcome and wait them out.