While scrolling through my social media, my eyes were captured by the finished setup for the newest axe throwing venue, Relaxeptx. I find the name to be very clever since I see axe throwing as a way to relieve stress or as a magical way to summon Jason Mamoa. Unfortunately, I doubt that is going to happen in the El Paso area. Either way, more unique fun venues continue to open up in El Paso.

El Pasoans went crazy for Topgolf, are still learning and loving iFly so it is only appropriate that El Pasoans start to jump on the axe throwing train. Many people need a way to release stress from all the construction going around El Paso, so I say we all safely throw axes together. The set up looks pretty sweet, as you can see the photos below.

Realaxeptx via Instagram
Realaxeptx via Instagram
real axe 3
real axe 2
Real axe

No idea about prices or how successful this will be, but I can't wait to make up some type of excuse to have a work meeting here.

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