El Paso Couple Welcomes Set Of Quadruplets – 3 Brothers 1 Sister
An El Paso couple has their hands full as they welcomed an adorable set of quadruplets to the world in late February.
One El Paso family has four reasons to celebrate as they prepare to take home their new bundles of joys.
Parents Andrea Gonzalez-Cabrera and Hector Calderon welcomed the newest quadruplets to El Paso in late February at The Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus.
The El Paso couple wasn’t exactly expecting quadruplets, but after receiving the news, “they were so thrilled” to learn about their instant family and couldn’t wait to meet their three sons and one daughter.
The quadruplets, including three boys named Piero, Andoni, Leonardo, and one female, Giovanna, were born earlier this year, on February 25, 2021. Since then, all four babies have been growing stronger and getting bigger each day at the Hospitals of Providence Memorial Campus, designated as a Level 4 Maternal Care Center and Level 4 NICU offering the highest care level for both mom and babies.
Both Hector Calderon and Andrea Gonzalez-Cabrera say that they have been looking forward to getting all four babies home together and say they can already tell them all apart.
So, what are the odds of having quadruplets? The odds were 1 in 15,625,000 pregnancies, compared to the odds of having twins, which were 1 in 250 pregnancies back in 2019.
While we don’t know if the quads are identical twins, fraternal, or a combination of both, giving birth to an entirely identical set of quadruples is truly rare.
Babies are always special additions to any family, and we are over the moon over these set of adorable quadruplets. Congratulations to the whole family; we can’t wait to watch these four siblings growing up on the borderland.
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