El Paso City And County Make Face Coverings Mandatory Again
On Friday, May 1, the State of Texas will allow the stay-at-home orders statewide to expire.
But El Paso City and County officials say, yeah, keep your masks on, El Pasoans.
El Paso Mayor Dee Margo, El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego, and Dr. Hector Ocaranza say the ongoing upward trend in positive coronavirus cases in the County has led them to amend the current Local Emergency Directive to make face coverings mandatory. They are also banning all public and private social gatherings of any number of people either outside or inside of single households or dwelling units.
Even though the rest of Texas will not have to wear face coverings, in El Paso County everyone over two years old "are required to wear some form of face covering over their nose and mouth, while outside of their home or residence. A face covering may include cloth masks such as bandanas, scarves and neck gaiters that fit snugly but comfortable against the face secured with ties or ear loops." If you are a parents or guardians of kids over the age of two and under the age of ten, you are responsible for making sure your kids have a face covering when they are outside of your home.
Officials say you don't have to wear a face covering if you have trouble breathing, are unconscious, or incapacitated. If you are outside exercising you don't have to wear a face covering if you can maintain six feet of social distancing from people who are not in your household. If you are around people who don't live in your home, you need to wear a face mask.
We're not sure how City and County are getting around the Governor's order to lift stay-at-home and face covering orders but we'll update this article as soon as we find out.
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