There is more fallout surrounding the coronavirus outbreak. Nationwide, hospitals are changing their policies about visitors. They are limiting the numbers of visitors and banning visitors under a certain age. El Paso Children's Hospital released a statement Thursday morning that outlines the steps they are taking to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

El Paso Children's Hospital officials say that out of concern for the safety of their patients, the hospital will be implementing additional respiratory restrictions. Anyone under the age of 18 will not be allowed to enter the facility to visit patients. They are also putting limits into place for the number of visitors a patient can have. Only two people per room will be allowed to visit a patient. Effectively immediately, all visitors to El Paso Children's Hospital will also have to be screened before entering the facility.

At the time of this article's publication there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus in El Paso. There have been four confirmed cases of coronavirus in New Mexico. Considering the illnesses that so many children at El Paso Children's Hospital are battling, it is a really good move for them to limit contact with visitors. There is no need to add more danger to those little ones.

If you need more information on the coronavirus, you can click here for the CDC's website. If you would like to keep up on information about coronavirus in our area, you can click here for the Health Department's updates.

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