For over 20 years, Mike and Tricia Mornings listeners have opened their wallets and hearts to needy El Paso kids and helped send them to back to school with pens, paper, pencils, and all the things they need to learn. The Mike and Tricia Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive is kicking off this week and this year, we are supporting the Great Khalid Foundation in their goal of getting school supplies to an entire 6th grade section in one El Paso, Ysleta, and Socorro Independent School District school.

The Foundation asked to come on board, see what we did there, because they love all the great work that we've done over the years in helping make sure that kids whose families are having a hard time getting school supplies get the things they need to learn. They want to do the same thing and they are asking Mike and Tricia listeners for help. You can learn more about The Great Khalid Foundation by clicking here.

One of our community partners is the El Paso Chihuahuas. They always come through for us during our Easter Basket Drive and this year, they've helped us kick off the Mike and Tricia School Supply Drive with a $1,000 donation. Mike and I got the chance to go to the ballpark and were presented with a big, and I mean big, check. Chico got in on the act and he and Mike really hit it off.


Thanks so much to the El Paso Chihuahuas for helping us kick off the Stuff the Bus School Supply Drive with such a generous donation!

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