COVID-19 Testing Available For EP Seniors 65 Years Old And Older
Testing for the COVID-19 virus is something that people want access to but health officials say that you should only get tested in certain instances. The El Paso Department of Public Health announced that they will now offer drive-thru COVID-19 specimen collection site for seniors who are 65 years old or or older.
Dr. Hector Ocaranza says that the Department of Health is moving into the second phase of his department's testing and will be focusing their efforts on people who may belong to high risk groups and could be more seriously affected by the disease like seniors in that age group.
The Department of Health is offering testing for first responders and healthcare workers as well as for El Pasoans with a doctor's order. You can get the details by clicking here. The coronavirus testing for seniors doesn't require a doctor laboratory order, but seniors need to have a temperature of 99.6 F or higher. The testing is free and requires no insurance coverage.
If you or a someone you know age 65 years or older with a fever of 99.6 F or higher, you can make an appointment by calling (915) 494-0982, Monday thru Friday from 7am – 3pm. You will get the location of the collection specimen drive-thru site when the appointment is made. If you or someone you know is going to get the test, no fever reducing medications should be taken before their appointment.
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