COVID Or Allergies? Here's How To Tell The DifferenceCOVID Or Allergies? Here's How To Tell The DifferenceHere are what the main symptoms of each illness looks like. TriciaTricia
Do You Have Allergies Or COVID - Here's How To TellDo You Have Allergies Or COVID - Here's How To TellIf you are really in doubt you should get tested for COVID-19. If you do have it you'll need to quarantine and let people around you know that you have it. TriciaTricia
Mobile Morgues Arrive In El Paso As COVID-19 Deaths RiseMobile Morgues Arrive In El Paso As COVID-19 Deaths RiseThe first mobile morgue hasn't had to be used yet, but the fact that they had to request a second mobile morgue is a frightening thought. TriciaTricia
COVID-19 Testing Available For EP Seniors 65 Years Old And OlderCOVID-19 Testing Available For EP Seniors 65 Years Old And OlderClick to read who is eligible for testing. TriciaTricia