COVID-19 ‘Risk Chart’ Ranks How Big a Risk Common Activities Pose
Are you putting yourself at a higher risk for COVID-19 going to work every day in an office building? What about shopping for groceries, how risky is that? Is patio dining safer than dining inside a restaurant?
A graph distributed by the Texas Medical Association gives us a visual of the likelihood of contracting the coronavirus when engaging in a variety of activities.
The 'Know Your Risk' chart, which you can view below, ranks common tasks and recreational activities from low risk to high. For example, getting restaurant takeout is rated a low risk. Dining in a restaurant falls in the moderate to high category. Grocery shopping? Low-ish. Working out at the gym? The docs say you're better off jogging in your neighborhood and lifting milk jugs in your living room.
Each activity listed assumes the person is following the recommended safety measures, such as social distancing, washing hands, and wearing some sort of face covering, at the time.
The chart is based on input provided by physicians who are members of the TMA as well as the organizations COVID-19 task force and Committee on Infectious Diseases. The grades given to the activities and the recommendations to take part in or steer clear of "are assumptions based on an average,” according to the TMA's president. But still, the more you know, right?
Texas Medical Association COVID-19 Know Your Risk Chart
Click HERE to view and/or print a larger chart.

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