Car Parade Brings Love, Joy to El Paso Nursing Home Residents
It’s been said everybody loves a parade, but I’m willing to bet no one has loved it more than the residents of a west El Paso nursing home and their family members.
The Bartlett Skilled Nursing & Assisted Living recently had a drive-thru car parade meander outside of the entrance to its assisted living facility to give its residents a much needed and appreciated social distancing boost.
Since the March 17 countywide directive to stay home and apart, nursing home residents at Bartlett and other facilities of these type across El Paso have not allowed face-to-face visits – including from family members and loved ones.
Sensing their residents needed a bit of a pick-me-up after weeks of little contact from the outside world, the staff enlisted family and friends to help put on a “Family Parade” for them.
A caravan of cars driven by loved one slowly passed underneath the car port as they honked, waved, shouted well-wishes, and held up signs of love and support.
“Even masks couldn’t cover the smiles and joy everyone felt seeing each other today,” read the caption on the facilities Facebook account. I’m sure this is exactly what eveyone needed, even from a distance.