Congrats to Our Winner of ‘Beautiful: A Night Out for A Woman in Your Life’
Congrats to Cindy Phillips on winning our ‘Beautiful’ contest, she won dinner and tickets to see Beautiful: The Carole King Musical.
We wanted to hear from our listeners to tell us about the ‘Beautiful' women in their life for a chance to win tickets to Beautiful: The Carole King Musical along with dinner at Mesa Street Grill.
Not only did we receive a great response, we actually had a difficult time picking just one winner so we ended up picking our grand prize winner and then chose seven runner-ups and got them tickets to see the show too.
Beautiful: The Carole King Musical is the story of legendary singer-songwriter Carole King — and its coming to the Plaza Theater starting Tuesday, September 19 – 24, 2017. Tickets are available now through, Charge-By-Phone at 1-800-745-3000 or at the Plaza Theatre Box Office.
Submission 1 ***WINNER***
The lady I call Mom has worked from the bottom up. She started her insurance career typing policies and now has moved up to be large and in charge. Mom always provided us love and taught us to treat other the way we would like to be treated. She is loved by everyone she meets and most importantly she is a wonderful Mom and Grandma. She is the glue to our family and always goes out of her way to show everyone love and respect. Mom is known to help anyone and always goes the extra mile. Mom is fun too! Mom loves music and shows: especially Carole King! She is the life of the party and is definitely BEAUTIFUL! She did a darn good job raising 3 reckless children who turned out to be almost perfect. She is a true inspiration!
Submission 2
My wife has been such an isperation for me at time when I have been down in the hospital out of work and everything I have been through she has alway stuck by my side loving me telling me to have faith and push forward with my beutiful wife by my side we have acoplished so much in life she has given my 4 beutiful children one that has made it to college one that has a great future ahead of him and the other two still going strong in school I love my wife to death and thank u my love for all u do all u have done and all u continue to do I LOVE U.
Submission 3
My Mom, true meaning of Beautiful. Beautiful inside and out, even if she doesn't see it so much. Her raising me as a single mom, has taught me that self love, independence, and Faith are so important. Specially with those bumps on the road we have overcome. Seeing her continue to raise my 12 yr. old brother as a single parent, so involved in what he does; baseball, football, boy scouts aside from maintaining great grades and being active in church. All the work she continues to do, and the love she spreads in the communities she is involved in shows how beautiful, caring, genuine, and selfless she is. There is so much more I wish I could share about her with you. Thank you
Submission 4
I know it sounds cliché to say my mom was my most beautiful inspiration, but she was. By solely role-modeling, she showed me how to be independent, self-driven, and caring. She raised us on her own although married. She was my pillar. As an adult, my mom supported me even in things she did not agree with me on. I was able to receive my Master’s because of her help as I am a single mother of four great boys. I will forever be indebted to her. The day she passed, six months ago, was the day that I stopped being able to pay her back for all she did. I pray to her now for her continued guidance and know she looks out for me like she did each day of my life while here in this world. All that I am and all that I will ever be, I owe to that lady.
Submission 5
My mother gave birth to me at 17. She suffered from depression and I was her only motivation. When I turned 18 I began suffering from depression and didn't want to be alive. She was then my motivation and continues to be. I look at her everyday with her beautiful smile and somehow get strength to overcome this sickness. No matter how hard it was, she got through it. She's my reason for fighting.
Submission 6
When I was younger I got really sick, the person that was there by my side throughout every doctors appointment was always my mother. Through out all the testing and hospital stays the person that would never leave my side was always my mother. When the doctors said hope for the worst she never left my side and when I got my lengthy list of digonois she never left my side. So for that I look up to my mother.
Submission 7
I nominate my mother as the most beautiful women I know. My mother is the strongest and most loving women to exist. I have struggled with anxiety and depression most of my life. I was in 4th grade when I first displayed symptoms. Though most people ignored my symptoms, she did all should could to get me the proper care and treatment. She herself struggles with anxiety and I have two other sisters in which she also goes above and beyond for. I'm glad I had her throughout my life to count upon. She now cares for my 2 year old son while I work, that is on top of the other 5 grandchildren in which she cares for as well. She also blessed us with a very well rounded love of music, one artist she loves is Carole King. She has been the pillar of strength for our family and I can't image my life without my mother.
Submission 8
My mother is very special and very inspirational because she tries her best at every situation. My mom cares for bringing food to the table and she always works hard no matter how late it is or how early, with the only reason to do it is so my brother Ruben and I are successful in life.She always tries to push us into better education and is there to help us with any life problems by herself while my dad works with a simile always.Today I messed up with her and she got really sad so I want her to win as a huge thank you.She is really important to me and without her I would be nowhere.
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