El Paso, Texas is no stranger to this ridiculous “Daylight Saving” thing we do twice a year. (Obviously, I’m not a fan of this whole time change thing.)

This weekend we’ll be losing an hour of sleep as we Spring forward. While losing an hour of sleep might sound like a tough adjustment, the silver lining of things would be that we’ll have more time with sunlight and just in time for the warmer weather!

But this time change is about more than losing an hour of precious sleep. There are a few other essential tasks you should tackle this weekend.


Here's a handy checklist to keep you on track:

1. Check Your Detectors: Safety first! Take a moment to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms. It could save your life.


2. Mattress Flip: Give your mattress some love by flipping it to ensure even wear. Your back will thank you later.

3. Pillow TLC: Don't forget about your pillows! Wash them to rid them of oils, dead skin, and dust mites. And hey, if it's been more than two years, maybe it's time for a new one.

4. Declutter: Clean out your medicine cabinet and pantry. Say goodbye to expired goods and hello to a more organized space.


5. Fridge Maintenance: Keep things cool by cleaning your fridge's coils. A little maintenance goes a long way in keeping your appliances running smoothly.

6. Dryer Vent Cleanup: Prevent potential disasters by vacuuming out your dryer's vents and ducts. Safety first, folks!

7. Filter Check: Inspect and clean filters around your house. Your HVAC system will thank you.

8. Oven Love: Get your kitchen ready for holiday entertaining by cleaning your oven and range hood filter. No more burnt offerings!

9. Emergency Kit Update: Take inventory of your emergency kit and restock any depleted supplies. It pays to be prepared.

11 Bad Laundry Habits to Break Immediately

Save time, money, and frustration with these simple laundry life hacks. 

Gallery Credit: Danielle Kootman



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