City of El Paso is Now on Instagram
The City of El Paso announced their official Instagram Account with @iam_el paso.
The City of El Paso has finally started an Instagram account which will showcase our beautiful city, our wonderful people, food and all local events.
According to the City of El Paso the new Instagram account will “Tell stories of the unseen work that keeps the City operating, City teams who do the work, quality of life and other projects, events and special moments from behind the scenes.”
The city encourages Instagram users to send in some of their best El Paso pictures using the hastag #iamelpaso and they will repost the best ones.
Follow the City of El Paso on all its social media platforms:
- Facebook Elpasotexasgov
- Twitter @elpasotxgov
- YouTube City of El Paso Texas
- Instagram @iam_elpaso