Can Girl Scouts Get In Trouble For Selling Cookies Online?
It's Girl Scout cookie time, but on social media, a lot of parents are warning against buying cookies online because they say it can get a scout or an entire troop in trouble. A lot of parents are saying that they are trying to prevent one scout from cornering a market and that online sales are not in the spirit of putting the girls in a social situation to sell the cookies face-to-face with friends and family members.
I did a little digging and the official Girl Scout website says digital sales of cookies is permissible. There are a few rules to online sales, but if you and your scout follow them, we can all enjoy buying our cookies with a just a click of the mouse. I think that's a great development because I hate the side-eye I get when a scout looks at my order on the old-school form.
Don't judge me, little girl.
Here is the official word from the Girl Scouts of America website:
Yes, if you know a Girl Scout who is participating in the Digital Cookie® platform. Our Digital Cookie platform keeps girls front and center as we move beyond the booth and offer a convenient way for consumers to buy cookies online and support girls at the same time!
Depending on the council, girls will either use a personalized cookie website, mobile app , ecard, or direct link to ask their customers to make a Digital Cookie purchase. To find out if the Digital Cookie platform is available in your area, visit girlscouts.org/digitalcookie. If you know a Girl Scout, tell her you're interested in becoming a Digital Cookie customer—and she’ll take it from there!
Only registered Girl Scouts can sell Girl Scout Cookies. We caution against purchases of Girl Scout Cookies found for sale online at auction and via community list sites, such as eBay and Amazon, because GSUSA, your local Girl Scout council, and our licensed cookie bakers cannot guarantee the freshness or integrity of these cookies. In many instances, these cookies are actually expired or the sellers are using Girl Scout intellectual property without our authorization. Further, purchasing cookies in this way does not support Girl Scouts participating in the cookie program.
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