Another Study Names El Paso among Safest Cities in America
El Paso is one of the safest cities in America.
And that's not just me repping my city; another independent study concluded what we've known for years. SafeWise, an online home security and safety advice company, is the latest to give us kudos, naming El Paso the 6th Safest City on their recently compiled 10 Safest and Most Dangerous Metro Cities in America for 2019 list.
The ranking is based on crime data disseminated from the most recent FBI crime statistics from 2017. Per their analysis, El Paso averaged 3.79 violent crimes for every 1,000 residents and had fairly low property crime rate of 18.1 per 1,000 residents.
Here’s how SafeWise explained our spot in the Top 10:
Both violent and property crime rates dropped compared to last year’s rankings. This positive momentum is even more impressive when you consider that El Paso sits below both the nationwide median household income and the average rate of high school graduation.
Ha! Now that's a backhanded compliment if I've ever heard one. In other words, we're poor and uneducated but we don't let poverty and our below average proficiency in math and reading turn us into lawless citizens.
That's right, we're looking at you Albuquerque!
This is the third year in a row El Paso has been on the SafeWise Top 10. Last year, their numbers crunchers had us at #7. In 2017, we were named the second safest large city in the nation.