Another Astronomical Event Happening This Weekend
El Paso stargazers have on opportunity to witness a triple conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury this weekend. While nowhere near a rare as the “Christmas Star” that was visible last month for the first time in about 800 years, this particular celestial event will no doubt still be a treat for local astronomy enthusiasts.
Those wishing to see this event are encouraged to gather their binoculars or telescope and find a nice cozy spot with an uncluttered view of the horizon while facing southwest. Just after the sun sets, observers will witness Mercury to Saturn’s left and Jupiter above everybody’s favorite ringed planet.
This event is will occur on each night between Saturday, January 9 and Tuesday, January 12. If viewing conditions prove to be just a little too light to get a clear view (it will be right after sunset after all), there will be one more crack at witnessing celestial event on February 13 which is a Saturday. Just an FYI, this might be a fun and simple way to start Valentine’s Day festivities this year too.
For more information on this and other space-related events, you can visit the experts at NASA via their website.
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