A Gas Shortage Isn’t Stopping Circle K Stores From Celebrating “Circle K Day”
Alright so, there may be a gas shortage in a few local gas stations across town, but it doesn’t seem like that is impacting Circle K locations across the borderland.
This is a good thing because Circle K isn’t going to let a gas shortage stop you from enjoying some pretty sweet discounts on other products at your local Circle K Store!
Circle K is celebrating its first-ever global “Circle K Day” Thursday, August 31st and guests who stop by the convenience store can enjoy 50% discounts on plenty of items!
Over 6,000 Circle K and Holiday Station stores U.S. locations will offer a 50% discount on select hot food, beverages and services from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. local time.
“From hot breakfast and lunch sandwiches to favorites like pizza and hotdogs are some of the options that will be available for the discount,” said Circle K officials. “Customers can also find flavor and refreshment from America’s Thirst Stop with a selection ranging from freshly ground coffee and the classic dispensed beverages kept cold in a Polar Pop cup, to an icy Froster.”
Although the price to fuel up your car won’t be offered at a discounted price, you can still get 50% off any car wash at participating Circle K locations.
Find the nearest participating location using the Store Locator at circlek.com.
Ok, But Where Is The Gas??
If you were like me and recently went to a gas station only to find out that they were either out of Unleaded gas or gas altogether, you’re not alone.
KFOX reporter, Lianna Golden posted a question on Facebook asking locals if there was gas on their side of town and I was surprised to see that the gas shortage was happening all across town!
The reason for the shortage? According to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, there were unplanned outages at two major Texas refineries, causing a short supply of fuel.
“The Alon Big Spring Refinery and the Marathon Petroleum Corporation – El Paso Refinery both had unplanned outages caused by mechanical issues in the last several weeks that reduced gasoline production. The Interim Executive Director, on behalf of Governor Greg Abbott, sent a request to the EPA to temporarily waive the federally enforceable 7.0 pounds per square inch (psi) low Reid vapor pressure (RVP) fuel requirement for El Paso County through September 16, 2023.”
So from the looks of it only gas stations that rely on fuel from those two refinerys like Murphy, Valero, Speedway, are being impacted by the shortage.
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