14 New West Nile Virus Cases Confirmed In El Paso This Year
One new case of the West Nile Virus has been confirmed in El Paso bringing the total number to 14 this year.
Authorities have confirmed one new West Nile Virus case that involves a male in his early 60s with underlying medical conditions making it the 14th case this year in El Paso County.
The following is a table of the cases reported to the Department of Public Health so far this season:
- Female Late 70s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Late 70s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Early 50s Underlying Medical Conditions (Deceased)
- Female Early 30s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Late 30s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Early 80s Underlying Medical Conditions (Deceased)
- Male Early 30s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Mid 70s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Early 80s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Mid 70s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Early 80s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Female Early 30s No Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Late 80s Underlying Medical Conditions
- Male Early 60s Underlying Medical Conditions (New)
While it isn’t as hot as last month, the sporadic rain showers have mosquitos lingering a bit longer around our region and authorities urge residents are encouraged to follow the four D’s to help avoid getting bit by these pesky bugs.
DEET - Use insect DEET repellents
DRESS - Wear long sleeves, long pants, and socks if possible when outdoors.
DUSK / DAWN – Avoid peak mosquito biting hours (from dusk to dawn)
DRAIN – Drain standing water from your yards or inside your homes including flowerpots, gutters, pool covers, pet water dishes, birdbaths and any standing water in general.
For more information call 2-1-1 or visit EPHealth.com.