12 Hilariously True ‘Growing Up in El Paso’ Tweets
The hashtage #GrowingUpinElPaso was a topic on Twitter recently, and the results were pretty funny. Here are 12 of the most hilariously true tweets. If you grew up here, you'll totally relate:
1. The Chicken
#GrowingUpInElPaso Taking a picture with the El Paso Diablos Chicken pic.twitter.com/Skvo0AMcqm
— Mike&Tricia on KISS (@kisswakeupkrew) July 10, 2016
2. What Would You Do...?
#growingupinelpaso "I'll eat my broccoli, yuck!
— オースティン (@oddchamp_) July 4, 2016
3. Made the U-Turn
#GrowingUpInElPaso We've all at least once missed the paisano exit and almost went into Mexico
— DirtBag ⚾️ (@aye_adri12) July 4, 2016
4. Quinces
#GrowingUpInElPaso seeing a quince group every time you go to Cielo vista mall
— Deja (@dejasmth) July 3, 2016
5. Hi Folks
#GrowingUpInElPaso "HI DICK" pic.twitter.com/8Vj8KTpiL4
— ʏṿṅɢ ṃıяṃ (@SuperheroMiriam) July 3, 2016
6. Winter,Spring, Summer & Fall
#GrowingUpinElPaso you experience all four seasons in one week — ⚜Μιχαήλ⚜ (@ahs_catcher) July 3, 2016
7. Tacos You Can Drink
#GrowingUpInElPaso having to explain to people what chicos tacos are...😂😂😂
— Daisy Flower❁ (@DaisyPerez11) July 4, 2016
8. Oasis
#GrowingUpInElPaso when you used to go to "Teen Night" back in Oasis lol!
— Tañia (@tammiecarrera) July 22, 2015
9. Un Plato
Where beans, rice, and brisket is what you will be having whenever you go to a party. #growingupinelpaso
— ambs (@carmellasera) July 20, 2015
10. Late Night Munchies
#GrowingUpInElPaso A late night of partying usually ends in one of two ways ... pic.twitter.com/o2s9VztJDz
— Mike&Tricia on KISS (@kisswakeupkrew) July 6, 2016
11. Hell Paso
#GrowingUpInElPaso having to deal with people say they hate it even though they've never been anywhere else — Willy 2.0 (@LordWilly_) July 3, 2016
12. Roller King
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