Your Electric Bill Is Probably Higher This Month And More Than Likely Will Be Next Month As Well
El Pasoans were dealing with a string of days of triple-digit temperatures last month. This month, a lot of El Pasoans are dealing with sticker shock and much higher electric bills than they anticipated.
Eddie Gutierrez, the spokesman for El Paso Electric, told KFOX 14 that this time of the year, it’s not unusual to see an increase in your average electric bill, not just because you’re using more electricity, but because you are being charged more during the summer months from May to October.
Gutierrez says El Paso Electric the company charges slightly higher rates because of the increased usage of electricity.
During May through October, the first 600 kilowatts used by your household are charged at $0.094 per kilowatt.
Once you reach the 601st kilowatt, you are then charged $0.099 per kilowatt for the remainder of the month.
Gutierrez also said that EPE is seeing record energy usage this month, so you could be faced with another big bill in August.