You’ll Be Seeing Changes In The Bridge Toll Exchange Rate Next Month
If you travel to Juarez, you are going to be seeing a change in the exchange rate at the bridges.
Beginning next month in May, motorists crossing into Juárez, will see what officials are calling an adjustment to the exchange rate for bridge tolls collected by the City of El Paso. Beginning on May 1, the bridge tolls in Mexican Pesos for commercial and personal vehicles will be
adjusted to reflect past fluctuations in the U.S. Dollar-Mexican Peso exchange rate. There will be no impact to pedestrians with this exchange rate adjustment, there will only be an adjustment to vehicle traffic.
The City’s International Bridges Department offers an E-Fast Pass program, which is an automated
system that helps reduce wait times when crossing into Juárez for motorists by speeding up the payment process.
If you want to sign up for an E-Fast Pass online, you can go online to the page where you need to put in an application by clicking here. You can also apply in person at the Zaragoza International Bridge Toll Plaza Office, at 791 S. Zaragoza, or at the One Stop Shop, at 811 Texas. The tags may be purchased using cash or check with proper identification. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover are also accepted, but a 1.98% service charge will be added. After the initial account opening payments in any amount may be made in the form of check or money order sent by mail, or online using a credit card.
You can click here to find out more about the E-Fast Pass.
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