Why Doesn’t The City Of El Paso Talk About Ghosts and Food More Often?
If you are new to El Paso you might not know about our foodie community and haunted history. We have a strong restaurant industry that isn't just centered on Mexican food and because El Paso has had people living in the area for over four hundred years, there are a lot of ghosts and haunted locations that will scare the heck out of you. With all that you would think that we would have a bigger presence in both worlds but for some reason our city leaders never seem to push those tourist-friendly attributes out to the world. Why is that?
When I watch Guy Fieri and he showcases restaurants in other cities, when I go there, I look them up on his website. No matter what city I'm in I always check to see if there is somewhere I can eat that he has gone to. There is a huge paranormal tourism industry that places like New Orleans and LA have capitalized on. You can do guided tours of cemeteries in New Orleans all year long, and places like Hollywood Forever cemetery in LA hold events like movie nights in their cemetery all year long as well. People love the paranormal and we have tons of it in El Paso. We have beautiful hotels we need to fill up. Show people what El Paso has to offer.
During Halloween all the news stations around town figure out that haunted stuff gets clicks. They do all kinds of stories that we cover all year long. The big question is why doesn't the City take advantage of the interest and put together packages that could run on their social media about our restaurants and haunted places? People want to know where they can get a high end meal and where they can go to hunt ghosts. A click on an article could give out of towners tons of things to do and places to spend their money but for some reason, no one at the City, or for that matter, the County, has thought of that. It's time they did. All they have to do is search "restaurants" or "ghosts" on our website for all the information they could possibly want. Come on City and County of El Paso, get it together.