Which of Jeff Dunham’s Friends Will Crack an El Paso Joke?
Most of you are already ready and waiting with your tickets on standby for Jeff Dunham's show in El Paso. Sure El Paso loves Jeff Dunham but let's be honest, we love his tour buddies more.
Now we all have our personal favorites that we scream loud and hard for when it is their time to hit the stage.
Last year in October we told you about Jeff Dunham returning to El Paso, Texas with his cute-looking pals. This Sunday, April 24, Jeff Dunham will perform at the Don Haskins Center which a lot of us have been waiting for, again.
But what we can all hope for is that Jeff Dunham will keep his original date and somehow incorporate Juarez during one of his skits. I can see Jeff Dunham having Peanut making comments to Jose Jalapeno on a Stick about our next-door neighbor, Juarez.
But if you know Jose's history you would know that Jose Jalapeño on a Stick is Cuban, according to Fandom.
Then again who knows it could be Walter since he doesn't have a filter and always has something to say. Jeff Dunham can definitely crack a joke about how some of us use a Jalapeño as a side piece to give our food that extra special taste.
I mean I could even totally see Jeff Dunham somehow incorporating El Paso in his skit. But if Jeff Dunham were to include El Paso I can see it being with either Walter, Peanut, or Jalapeño on a Stick.