When Is ‘It’s The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown’ On TV This Year?
If you're like me, Halloween is the perfect excuse to eat a ton of candy and pretty much nothing else. I don't like scary movies and dressing up is something I leave to kids and women with much better bodies than me. But there is one thing I really love to do at Halloween. I love watching 'It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.'
The classic Peanuts telling of what really happens on Halloween night has been entertaining kids for over 50 years. You know the story - the Peanuts gang thinks Linus is cray for believing in the Great Pumpkin and missing out on all the Halloween candy by waiting for the GP in a pumpkin patch. Lucy, like all girls in love, believes in her mans when he says she just needs to believe in his wild story. No Great Pumpkin, no candy, and the ridicule of friends, man, that Charles Schultz didn't pull any punches!
I think my favorite scene is when Lucy goes and gets Linus from the pumpkin patch. He's cold and dejected and she takes him home and puts him to bed. It's so sweet and Linus is so worn out. It always makes me cry because it's the only time Lucy is so sweet.
I'm crying now..
This year, you can catch It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown twice on ABC - Tuesday, October 22nd, and Sunday, October 27th. All I need is a blanket and a bucket of candy.
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