UTEP is hosting Uncaged Art: Tornillo Children’s Detention Camp, an art exhibit showcasing art created by teenagers that were held in Tornillo, TX.

Don’t miss the eye-opening and unique art exhibit Uncaged Art: Tornillo Children’s Detention Camp, which is hosted by UTEP’s El Paso Centennial Museum and the Chihuahuan Desert Gardens. The art showcase features art created by teens during their confinement in a makeshift tent city in Tornillo, TX.

The Tornillo camp has been closed since mid-January but while it was open for seven-months, upwards of 6,000 kids and teenagers from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and other Central and South American countries were detained and held secure at the location.

Some of the art pieces portray day to day activities like playing soccer while other exhibit pieces demonstrate their faith and surroundings at the time.

Uncaged Art: Tornillo Children’s Detention Camp, is a multisensory exhibit and all are encouraged to check out the exhibit from April 13 through October 5, 2019. Opening day will include a reception beginning at 2 p.m. through 4 p.m.

  • Uncaged Art: Tornillo Children’s Detention Camp Exhibit
  •  Centennial Museum
  • 500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79902
  • April 13th through October 5, 2019


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