To Go Out Or Not To Go Out – That Is The Question
Everyone is asking – To go out or not to go out during the coronavirus?
Since mid-March we have been doing our best to stay safe, washing our hands, social distancing, making masks, avoiding people if at all possible, staying home, and doing our best to avoid contracting the invisible enemy of COVID 19.
It feels like we’ve all been living in a Hollywood movie that has no end in sight and the perpetual days of quarantine drag on.
More people are certainly out-and-about since certain businesses have been allowed to reopen with restrictions and safety protocols set in place. Yet, it’s important to mention this isn't an immediate return to normalcy - especially when the number of positive COVID 19 cases and deaths related to the virus in El Paso County are not flattening out or dropping.
But to be completely honest: I’m worried.
People are sick, people are dying.
The economy is tanking and businesses are struggling to survive.
Friends, family members have been furloughed or lost their jobs altogether.
The only thing that makes sense is to approach all that we do with care to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 and stay home if we can and as much as possible.
Yes, the economy has to reopen, we can’t afford to stay home but we also can’t afford to get sick. So here we are – To go out or not to go out?
I say it’s on us individuals to decide. Personally I will continue to stay home as much as possible until I feel that it's safe to start mingling again. I will go to work, get gas, and continue to order online. I will be avoiding crowded stores and businesses. I will support all local retail shops as much as possible especially those that provide curbside pickup or delivery.
These are certainly unprecedented times and as we navigate these uncharted waters together I do want to extend my sincere Thank yous for doing your part. For wearing your masks in public, for not taking your kids to the store with you, for staying home if you feel sick. Thank you to all the front-liners, medical and healthcare workers, grocery store employees, and everyone who is doing their best to survive.
We are not out of the woods yet El Paso – but if we all row our boats in the same direction we can overcome this as a community, together, stronger, alive, and healthy.