From roughly 1920 until about 1940, the age of the "depression era" bank robbers was on. The most well known, and vicious ones, came from Texas.

Many men, and women, engaged in the new American pastime of robbing banks and the public had a love/hate relationship with them.

Texas may not have produced the most bank robbers of the era but we can certainly claim the biggest names and one of the biggest "hauls".

The Newton Brothers - Uvalde, Texas

Jess, Willis, "Doc" and Joe Newton were not as well known as Bonnie and Clyde and not nearly as violent but they were far more successful.

They robbed an estimated 80 banks as well as 6 trains ... one of which was the (then) largest train robbery in history ... which netted them millions of dollars. Way more money than Bonnie and Clyde ever collected.

Interestingly, in an occupation loaded with death and injury, the Newton Brothers were almost harmless. They kept the violence to a minimum by typically robbing banks at night, when they were closed.

They also once bribed an insurance agent to tell them which banks had the weakest and/or least secure vaults so they could get in and out quicker.

Nothing lasts forever though and by 1924, all 4 Newton Brothers were in jail. By 1930, they were all free and each "went straight", leaving their robbery days, and a lot of unfound money, behind them.

Joe Newton once even appeared on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

"The Barrow Gang" - Texas

Buck and Blanche Barrow made up half of the "Barrow Gang" led by the notorious "Bonnie 'n Clyde". Rounded out by others who came and went including the traitorous Henry Methvin, the gang terrorized banks and lawmen for 2 years in total.

Buck didn't join up with his brother Clyde until Clyde's run with Bonnie Parker had already begun and wouldn't live to see the end of it. He and Blanche played pivotal roles in this saga nonetheless.

During a shootout in Iowa, Buck and Blanche were wounded. Buck died and Blanche served 6 years in prison.

A photo of Buck, fatally wounded, lying on the ground while Blanche screams as she's pulled away can be seen here. Buck's lying on the ground between the guy in the hat and the guy in his undershirt.

Attempted Bank Robbery Leaves One Dead
Getty Images

Bonnie And Clyde - Dallas, Texas

The gold standard with regard to outlaws, Texan or otherwise.

They never saw it coming.

This video, shot at the scene, is pretty graphic and is probably NSFW.

For good or bad, when it comes to the bank robbers of the depression era, many became folk heroes for "fighting the system and the bankers".

Across the country, concerned citizens secretly cheered for these modern day Robin Hood's.

Of all the depression era outlaws, Texas has the dubious honor of having created the most memorable, tragic and deadly.

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