Taylor Swift Fans Take Down Controversial Abercrombie & Fitch Shirt [PHOTO]
Taylor Swift has some very passionate fans as they took to social media to take down this shirt. After all the negativity Swift receives, I think her fans are always on the defensive!
Abercrombie decided, "#moreboyfriendsthant.s." would be a great hashtag to put on a shirt and try to sell to probably the same girls obsessed with Swift.
I thought this was actually pretty funny but it is still wrong to constantly poke fun of Swift's dating life. She does it to herself all the time so let's just leave it to her. Many other women see this shirt as slut-shaming, which is never acceptable.
Thanks to her fans, this shirt was removed from Abercrombie and will not be sold. All Abercrombie can do now is continue to sweet talk fans to stay by tweeting how much they love Swift and her music. I think many of her fans will never ever shop there again...like ever!