Tap Water Smell or Taste Weird? El Paso Water Says Blame the Heat
Has your tap water been smelling or tasting weird lately? El Paso Water says it’s because of the heatwave.
KVIA ABC-7 reports some customers of the utility company have complained to them about the smelly state of their drinking water. The culprits behind the stinky problem, according to El Paso Water, is the extreme heat and algae.
While the triple-digit temperatures are uncomfortable for humans and animals, they’re perfect for algae blooms. Angel Bustamante, drinking water operator with El Paso Water, told the news station the intense heat and sun light promotes a rapid growth of algae in the Rio Grande. When the algae breaks down as part of its life cycle, it “[causes] the water to taste and smell slightly different.”
The good thing is the conditions that favor its rapid growth are temporary and seasonal. In the meantime, the water is safe to drink.
But if the altered taste is not palatable enough for you, I’ve found that adding a few slices of lemon or cucumber in a water container and then chilling it, or a few drops of lemon juice and ice cubes to a glass of water can make it taste better.

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