The Texas Book Festival has awarded the El Paso Library, Armijo Branch an enhancement grant of $2,500 for new books and materials for the Segundo Barrio library.
Fifty Shades of Grey – perhaps, the adult Harry Potter? Although there is certainly a lot of fantasy attached to the trilogy, Fifty Shades is more like the book-to-screen franchise when it comes to hype. The anticipation for the screen adaptation of the erotica-filled fiction piece written by E...
Farrah Abraham is a creative genius, consistently finding new, surprising and lucrative ways to stay famous by literally selling sex. Now, not only does the 'Backdoor Teen Mom' star want to invade your monitors and Twitter feeds, but also your bookshelves and ear drums.
Remember that time that #BooksWithALetterMissing was trending on Twitter, and it was hilarious? No, because your life consists of more than clicking around the internet all day searching for meaning in your life that you're never going to find? Well, let us tell you -- it was indeed hilarious.