SWAT Team Will Hold Training Exercises In East El Paso Neighborhood
If you've ever wondered why SWAT teams are so good at what they do, you just need to see their training program. One eastside neighborhood will be seeing SWAT training up close Tuesday morning.
The Del Sol Medical Center Administration contacted the District 7 City rep, Henry Rivera, to inform them that the hospital will be allowing the El Paso Police Department SWAT Unit to use vacant homes on Boxwood Circle for training exercises on Tuesday, June 5, at approximately 10 a.m.
Before the training exercises begin, the SWAT Unit and hospital personnel will go door to door to notify residents of the SWAT team training to avoid scaring anyone. The training will only be a one day event.
Rivera's office also said the vacant homes used in the SWAT training will be demolished in early July.
If you have any questions, you can contact Rivera's office at 915-212-0007 or District#7@elpasotexas.gov.