SISD Updates Calendar, First Day of School Now August 17
The Socorro Independent School District has updated their school calendar in order to meet guidelines set forth by the Texas Education Agency. As a result, the first day of school for SISD students is now August 17 with the last day of school being June 3, 2021.
Initially, the first day of school for Socorro ISD students was slated to be August 3. Instead, that will now be the date that Socorro teachers return to work. While the official start of the school year is still in August, El Paso City-County Health officials released an order this week saying that any in-person instruction would have to be pushed back to after Labor Day. SISD has indicated that the first three weeks of the school year will still consist of online only instruction.
As of now, other local districts have yet to announce any alterations to their calendars but it’s a good idea to keep a sharp eye out just in case they need to make changes as well.
This is just another of the many adjustments’ schools all over El Paso as well as across the State have had to make, and may have to continue to make, as they navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. And while it’s understandable that the constant updating of calendars and procedures may be beginning to wear thin on families, I would caution that we all keep in mind that schools are adapting and making an effort to ensure student safety while also providing the education children are entitled to receive.